The HEMA Scholar Awards committee are pleased to present this year’s winners. These individuals represent the finest scholarship published in 2015. We received many nominations recognizing efforts in a wide variety of fields, and our deliberations required weeks of long discussion, but we are pleased to say that in the end our decision was unanimous. Happy 2017, HEMA world, and keep on writing!
Myles Cupp
Olivier Dupuis
Jessica Finley
Jack Gassmann
Jan Schäfer
Reinier van Noort
Roger Norling
Without further ado, here are the awardees of the HEMA Scholar Awards 2016:
Lifetime Achievement
Dr. Daniel Jaquet
This is always the hardest decision. The jury has chosen Daniel Jaquet for his championing of HEMA in Academia. The jury pointed out his published academic research in HEMA, his public outreach and organisational work (e.g. IFHEMA) and also his infrastructural work for HEMA finding it’s place in the field of academia and for it getting recognized as a valid academic field of study.
For all his efforts, we award Dr. Daniel Jaquet with the 2016 Lifetime Achievement Award.
Dr. Jaquet will receive the following:
The Hema Scholar Awards Iron & Silver Laurel Prize, designed and created by Dr Fabrice Cognot and sponsored by the HEMA Shop
A sharp Messer with high finish, richly embossed sheath and byknives, sponsored by the Landsknecht Emporium
1 Pair of Golden Heavy Gloves sponsored by SPES
1 coupon of 100 EUR sponsored by Neyman Fencing
1 copy of “The Spada Maestra of Bondì di Mazo” by Matteo Butera, Francesco Lanza, Jherek Swanger and Reinier van Noort, sponsored by Ense et Mente
Best Instructor or Interpreter
Mr. Sebastien Romagnan
Mr. Sebastien Romagnan is awarded for his work on Francisco Lórenz de Rada, which resulted in two publications; in French (2013), and in English (2015) to date, with the latter entitled Destreza Historical Fencing. To assist his interpretations of Rada’s work he publishes videos of his work on his public YouTube-channel.
Mr. Romagnan will receive the following
The Hema Scholar Awards Iron & Silver Laurel Prize, designed and created by Dr Fabrice Cognot and sponsored by the HEMA Shop
A coupon of £250 for any purchase from Armour Class Ltd
1 coupon of 100 EUR sponsored by PBT Fencing
20% Discount voucher or 25% for jacket or pants from Neyman Fencing
1 copy of “The Spada Maestra of Bondì di Mazo” by Matteo Butera, Francesco Lanza, Jherek Swanger and Reinier van Noort, sponsored by Ense et Mente
Best Published Researcher

Photo by Lisa Losito, Riposte Harlem
Dr. Reinier van Noort
Norway, The Netherlands
Dr. Reinier van Noort is awarded for his publication “Of the Single Rapier“ (Fallen Rook Publishing, July 2015), a translation of Johann Georg Bruchius’ work from 1671, with additional information on the weapon and a biography on Bruchius. Also the jury wanted to emphasize that the sheer quantity and quality of work he has shared with the community deserved recognition for this year.
Dr. van Noort will receive the following:
The Hema Scholar Awards Iron & Silver Laurel Prize, designed and created by Dr Fabrice Cognot and sponsored by the HEMA Shop
1 coupon of 100 EUR sponsored by PBT Fencing
20% Discount voucher or 25% for jacket or pants from Neyman Fencing
A copy of Thomas Luiz’s “Lições da Espada Preta”, sponsored by AGEA Editora
Best Published Researcher, shared award

Mr. Dierk Hagedorn & Mr. Bartlomiej Walczak
Germany and Poland
Mr. Dierk Hagedorn and Mr. Bartlomiej Walczak are awarded together for their publication “Gladiatoria: New Haven – MS U860.F46 1450 (Bibliothek historischer Kampfkünste, 2015). The jury hopes that this quality of work will become the new standard for any other edition in the HEMA field.
Mr. Hagedorn and Mr. Walczak will both receive the following:
The Hema Scholar Awards Iron & Silver Laurel Prize, designed and created by Dr Fabrice Cognot and sponsored by the HEMA Shop
1 coupon of 100 EUR sponsored by PBT Fencing
20% Discount voucher or 25% for jacket or pants from Neyman Fencing
A 50 Euro coupon for Berbekucz Swordsmith
1 copy of Acta Periodica Duellatorum
1 copy of “The Spada Maestra of Bondì di Mazo” by Matteo Butera, Francesco Lanza, Jherek Swanger and Reinier van Noort, sponsored by Ense et Mente
Best Rookie Researcher
Mr. Jean Chandler
While not a rookie in HEMA, and certainly having generously shared his views and extensive knowledge in online writing in various forms, and having published three excellent articles in the prestigious academic periodical Acta Periodica Duellatorum, and having held several high class lectures on the contexts of HEMA, as well as having published numerous qualitative articles on HROARR.com, his printed work has been limited thus far. Still the sheer amount of work and the quality thereof, not least with his recent and quite excellent publication “The Codex Martialis Guide to the Medieval Baltic“ is truly remarkable and he is a force of nature when it comes to HEMA research.
The Rookie Researcher award is meant to celebrate those researchers who haven’t published printed books in their own name or with formal academic papers at university yet, and with this in mind, and despite being a broadly recognized authority on HEMA research already, Mr. Jean Chandler is therefore awarded Rookie Researcher of the year for his fantastic “The Codex Martialis Guide to the Medieval Baltic”.
Mr. Chandler will receive the following:
The Hema Scholar Awards Iron & Silver Laurel Prize, designed and created by Dr Fabrice Cognot and sponsored by the HEMA Shop
1 new type feder sponsored by Berbekucz Swordsmith
1 coupon of 100 EUR sponsored by PBT Fencing
1 coupon of 100 EUR sponsored by PurpleHearts Armoury
20% Discount voucher or 25% for jacket or pants from Neyman Fencing
1 copy of “The Spada Maestra of Bondì di Mazo” by Matteo Butera, Francesco Lanza, Jherek Swanger and Reinier van Noort, sponsored by Ense et Mente
The award founder’s note
First of all I would like to congratulate all the awardees of this year’s HEMA Scholar Awards! I am personally very happy to see all these great people awarded for their incredible work! They are all wonderful people that do amazing things, so hats off and glasses raised!
I also have a lot of thank yous to give this year. To begin with the jury; Myles Cupp, Jessica Finley, Jack Gassman, Jan Schäfer and Olivier Dupuis. I know there was a lot of hard work behind these decisions! You will forever have my gratitude and sincere respect for that. Also thank you to Dr Reinier van Noort who not only took on a lot of the administrative workload for the awards this year, but was also chosen by the independent jury for an award himself! Congratulations!
Second, I would also like to thank all the sponsors of the prizes! Without you this just wouldn’t be possible!
Third, I would like to thank all the great researchers that work hard in the dark, alone and silent. Although the passion and love for what we do helps, we also know how frustrating and demanding on patience, perseverance and private life it can be.
Fourth, I would also like to thank everyone who took the time to nominate people for the awards! You are a hugely important part of all this. Your support is vital to the whole proceedings.
Fifth, I want to thank the whole community, and especially all the great people I have met and learned from. You are all an inspiration in many different and sometimes surprising ways! The only regret I have is that I get to meet you far too seldom.
Now let’s together make 2017 an even more awesome year for HEMA, raising the bar a few more steps!
Roger Norling
Founder of the HEMA Scholar Awards
Chief Editor of HROARR.com
The sponsors of the HEMA Scholar Awards 2016
We thank the sponsors of the HEMA Scholar Awards 2016 for your incredible support and generosity! Your kind contributions is what makes it all possible!